Monday, April 30, 2012

more than enough.

i bet you know this. sometimes you get up in the morning and just know that you're about to have a weird day. it's not like you're a psychic or something, you just somehow feel it. and on days like this, anything can happen. you know? anything. :D

sometimes you nearly faint a few minutes after you get up with NO reason whatsoever and you feel so weak that you don't even know if you are able to go to school. but then after like 20 minutes you suddenly recover and get going.

sometimes you then go to your microbiology class and fall asleep like hundred times, every time having a different weird dream about the parasites that the professor is talking about and so your own dreams are so disgusting that you're afraid to fall asleep ever again. :D

sometimes you buy a cheese for lunch with the only money you have left in your purse and it smells really bad when you open it. so bad that you almost faint again, but then you just have to throw it away and regret.

sometimes you find out that your teachers changed a date of your exam without ever letting you know, which means that you basically need to re-schedule all your exams. but you have no way how to do so because all the other dates that you would need are already taken by other students. which means.. well that in some way, you're screwed. or at least that you will probably have to have an exam in september and lose half of your summer break with studying. again.

sometimes you get your cheeks sunburnt even after using an SPF 30 cream in the morning.

sometimes you get hurt on your way back from school. and tear your new leggins while getting hurt. :D

sometimes you have a strange guy you don't know coming up to you in the tram and telling you some really weird things. :D

sometimes you buy a glue to fix so much stuff that needs to be fixed.. only to find out that the glue probably ran dry like 5 years ago, and so it's completely worthless.

and sometimes, especially if you are me, all of this, and even more, happens in one single day. :D i know that there's no big stuff there, but hey, the point here is different... and small things like these just can feel a little overwhelming when they all happen in less than 12 hours, ok? :D

and so then... when you get to your room after a day like this... you are really exhausted. and in pain. :D and you just need a fix... and then you turn on your ipod and the first song played is so awesome that it just makes you realize stuff.. it helps you realize that your life has sense, the deeper meaning. and this meaning doesn't depend on school or the boo boos on your knees or money or whatever. and this feeling is so soothing, so comforting, and it brings so much joy... that you can just go on, put a smile up on your face, and with the hope and love in your heart you can go and face even more weird and worse days that are to come.. for you know that you have God and His love. and oh my word, that just makes me sooooo happy!!! :)

all that's left to do here is to buy new leggins, put a colorful plasters on my knees, have a cup of good coffee, maybe watch something fun, read... and of course, go to bed early so that i can be fresh and beautiful in the morning, ready for new adventures. yay! :D

and yep, this is that song i was talking about. :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

you've gotta love days like this.

today is an awesome day. sun is shining, some drunk guy is singing right under our window.. and we got a day off from school to prepare a presentation for the ecology class. and obviously, i was doing anything but looking up information about bio stuff and its effects on people and the environment. :D

after getting up really late, taking a nice long shower and watching a few episodes of Doctor Who, i decided to go somewhere to get a coffee and read. my original plan was to go to mamacoffee, one of my favorite places to read.. but then (since i decided to wear my new shoes-not a good idea if you intend to walk somewhere) i ended up in Costa coffee which is much closer to my dorms. i got a medium americano with cinnamon.. and i read. i bought this awesome book last week - King's cross by Timothy Keller who is one of my favorite pastors (i've heard like hundreds of his sermons and i love them!). and i got to that point where smelling coffee and cinnamon, enjoying the comfy seat, listening to a sweet song and reading a passage about Jesus's love for us.. it all just caught me unprepared for such an overwhelming joy and thankfulness. and i burst into tears. in public. now, don't get me wrong, i'm a really joyful person.. but then again, i'm a major weeper too (i like to say this with a strong british accent - majoh weepah.. say it like that! it's fun :D; there's a story behind this that includes my great friend Jess :)). i haven't cried for a long time though - until today. you know, it just hit me. i AM loved. I am loved. i am LOVED. wow. i don't know if you ever feel that way. that for no particular reason, you are suddenly so happy that you want to hug the whole world around you. I AM LOVED. by the Creator of the universe. seriously, that's a big deal. :D anyway, i don't think that many people noticed the tears. since those were the tears of joy, they were quickly replaced by a huge smile. :)

it's fun to see how when you're joyful and smile at people, it's like a weird infection that causes other people brighten their faces as well. and the annoyed barista, the tired shop assistant, the busy businessman frowning on everyone.. when they catch a smile on somebody's face, they seem to feel better, they smile too, and you can even catch a sparkle in their eyes as they see that not everything around is just stressful. 

i love having this peace inside in the middle of the chaos in the crowded Prague. and i love seeing how God can use me to brighten up this tiny piece of world around me. i mean, not every day is as bright as this one and hard things are always waiting for you just around the corner.. but what i'm trying to say here is that God is THE source of joy that can change stuff, because it doesn't depend on our own capabilities and reasons to rejoice. i have a few big scars on my heart too, but hey, scars are a good thing! because they show that any wound, no matter how deep, how painful, how old, can be healed. :) and so i'm just thankful for everything and everyone that came my way in the past, and i'm excited for everything that is to happen in the future. and if you wanna join me and know little pieces of my journey now and then, just come back here sometimes and you may read about it. :)

hope you have a great day too! :)

oh, and a random thought for the end - why do they make the inside of the shoes/purses/wallets SO cute? i just feel sorry then that i can't see it when i'm wearing that stuff. :D by the way, these are the shoes that caused me to change my plans today. :D love them! :)

a start.

i always thought about starting a blog some time in the future but i never thought i would really do it. i might call this giving in to a peer pressure. but well.. i kinda enjoy it. :) many people were telling me to do this, and after a loooong time of thinking about it.. it's here. ta-daaa!

there are a few things you should know about me now as i start a blog.
1. i love God. He saved me!
2. i love my family and friends.
3. i don't like capital letters. you might have already noticed that. :)
4. i'm a little.. well.. crazy in some ways. sometimes i get obsessed with the tiny things, the details in my life that make my heart burst with joy.. and i might put looooong posts about those things here. :D

and ummm... that's probably all for now.
i'm excited for this new chapter of my life with a blog. :D
see ya!