Sunday, May 13, 2012

the best medicine.

you know, studying med school is not always fun. i'm not gonna complain about all the studying (at least not yet :D) but it's just generally hard when you realize how much stuff can go wrong in the human body and soul and that not everything can be cured. but in these past few days i've been thinking.. and what about kittens? aren't they the universal medicine? :D oh my word. everyone has to love those cuties. :D just last friday i spent a few hours with the cutest kitties ever. it's a cuteness overload. :D for a while i've been thinking that i would probably have to watch a horror movie later just to compensate all the cuteness. :D ahhh i can't wait to have one of them at home. soon :)
this is the new love of my life. :D we're not gonna have this one at home though, it's not my sister's first choice.. but wouldn't we make a perfect couple? i'm in love. :D

but seriously now.. even kitties aren't as good of a medicine for a human heart as God and His steadfast love. really. He's been healing me from some painful stuff, He's still at work in my heart.. and i love seeing what He's doing there. even though sometimes the lesson comes through something difficult.
these past weeks were keeping me super busy. i had to work a lot, had a lot of stuff to manage and to do, a lot of people to meet.. and even though i did have my usual morning devotions, i knew it wasn't enough.. i needed some more intimate time with Jesus. a date. and He gave me one.. ahhh a great one indeed. :)  i thought i didn't have time, but God just made time for me. He stopped me right in the middle of the chaos i was in. i've been having a weird mess in my emotions (you know how that feels? it's quite hard not knowing what other people think, but it's really frustrating to not know how you yourself feel about some stuff:D).. and God gave me time to rest, a raspberry cheescake and a good ice coffee, an awesome book to read to get to know Him better (Prodigal God by Timothy Keller - you should DEFINITELY read it, whether you're a christian or not.. this one AND Keller's King's Cross i was talking about in one of my former posts :)).. and a quiet place to just read and pray and be in love with my God. and that's even better than the kittens. really. :D it brings much deeper healing. much deeper than i can ever understand. and the joy.. oh my word the joy in God's love. it's HUGE. :) the best medicine. ever. :) 
today i was translating for my friend who was preaching here in Prague at the Bridge Community church where i go sometimes... and i get the most from the sermons i translate because you kinda have to be concentrating hard when you're translating. :) and he was talking about what God did for us. i really needed this reminder, that our God isn't a God who's 'keeping His hands clean and not getting involved' but He IS involved. He's not only involved in my life, He IS my life. He transformed my heart from the huge mess, not to a perfect heart (not yet), but to a bit smaller mess infiltrated with profound joy, peace and hope. and i'm really really really thankful for that. :)
beautiful date. perfect peace. :)

in general i've discovered that thankfulness is a great thing to have. it changes the way you see things. just take a look around, at your life, your family, your friends, take a look at God.. and be thankful. :)

God has been sending me some really amazing encouragements on my way recently. even though the pain in my knee was killing me this past week (yep, the boo boo from my last post got inflamed :D) and things aren't always easy and smooth with some people and situations, exams are coming soon and i have no idea what i should do with my plans for this summer (that will probably be a material for another blog post :D) and how to respond to some stuff that's going on right now.. and i'm still keeping SO busy.. in spite of all this i'm perfectly calm right now. and that's a huge gift. :)

ummmmm and that will be all for now. hope you're getting excited for the 'confused summer plans' and 'ahhhhhhsjabfkajhdfkjadh exams' posts that are probably coming soon. :D but hey, you don't have to read it if you don't want to,right? :D and i still have God. and i'm gonna have the kitten soon too. yay! :D 

and the song for tonight? definitely Beautiful Things by Gungor. it's been on my mind a lot lately, as i'm seeing and admiring the beauties of this world, the beautiful work He's doing in me and my friends.. and His beauty that has captured my heart and still makes me stand in awe in front of my God.
oh and also - i LOVE tulips. and i have to share with you this beautiful beautiful BEAUTIFUL garden i saw last week in Prague.. awwww you've gotta love flowers :D


  1. darling, you already have the most beautiful heart....:) and btw, what do you say about puppies?

    1. awww thank you my dear lenička :* and puppies? :D well.. of course they're SO cute too, but come on.. this ginger kitten? the CUTEST tiny animal ever. :D

    2. yeah litlle cats are nice but...when they grow up they are too independent:(

  2. Beautiful song! one of my favorite songs! and yes - God is really amazing and the very best medicine. Thanks for reminding! : )

    1. it's always a good reminder for me.. and so i gladly remind other people of this fact as well! :)) :*

  3. i love when you use "oh my word" :)

    PS-- your blog posts are always so encouraging to me!


    1. oh well,i'm wondering who did i get it from,huh? :D along with adressing all the stuff as a 'guy'. :D
      love you too my dear!!! :)

  4. babu my dear, where have i been? i just now realized you have a blog! what joy and delight to read about what's going on in your life and in your journey with the Lord... you are beautiful my friend, inside and out :) and to give you even more cuteness overload, josie is sending a big cuddle your way!

    love, cass

    1. my cassiona!! ahh i love you! i'm glad you found out about my blog after all. :D and awwwww i'm sending a big cuddle to josie and jaden!!! :)) your instagram pics of them are a cuteness overload too :D love you my dear!!
